Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Feb 27 WOD

Warm up with a light jog, bear crawls, butt kickers, high knees and inch worm

Part 1:
3 rounds
10 Back Ext
10 pull ups
5 sit ups
5 squats
5 push ups

Part 2:
2 rounds
Partner up 1 guy is running other is doing the exercise
.25 mile run (Partner 1)
Burpees (Partner 2)
.25 mile run (Partner 2)
Burpees (Partner 1)
.25 mile run (Partner 1)
Sit ups (Partner 2)
.25 mile run (Partner 1)
Sit ups (Partner 2)

Part 3 if time
Tabata 20 action:10 rest of bridges

Stretch and water!

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