Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Feb 27 WOD

Warm up with a light jog, bear crawls, butt kickers, high knees and inch worm

Part 1:
3 rounds
10 Back Ext
10 pull ups
5 sit ups
5 squats
5 push ups

Part 2:
2 rounds
Partner up 1 guy is running other is doing the exercise
.25 mile run (Partner 1)
Burpees (Partner 2)
.25 mile run (Partner 2)
Burpees (Partner 1)
.25 mile run (Partner 1)
Sit ups (Partner 2)
.25 mile run (Partner 1)
Sit ups (Partner 2)

Part 3 if time
Tabata 20 action:10 rest of bridges

Stretch and water!

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Feb 24 WOD

Warm up:3
Light jog, bear, butt kickers, high knees
followed by head to toe make sure your warm and ready to go

Part 1:
4 rounds
1 minute of squats
1 minute of pull ups
1 minute of sit ups
1 minute of burpees
1 minute rest

Part 2:
Run 1 mile if there's not enough treadmills one guy runs the  mile while the rest do hose tower runs until he 1 mile is up.

You can also bike it if so do 3 mile bike.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Feb 19 WOD

Warm up:
Light job butt,s, bears, high knees

3 rounds of
10 back ext
5 pull ups
5 push ups
10 squats

Part 1 Shoulder press
3 reps x 5 sets

Part 2
75 Flutter icks
75 Mountain Climbers
75 Leg levers

50 Flutter kicks
50 Mountain Clombers
50 Leg levers

25 flutter kicks
25 Mountain climbers
25 leg levers

Links to excercises

Mountain climbers

Flutter kicks

Leg Levers

Friday, 15 February 2013

Feb 16 WOD

Warm up:
Light jog, high knees, butt kickers, Perfect stretch

Part :1
3 rounds
10 Sit ups
10 push ups
10 back extensions

Part 2:
20 minutes of
Bear crawl 20m
10 Burpee pull ups (sounds just like it is do a burpee into a pullup instead of just jumping)
20 Jumping Lunges
200m Run or bike 600m (if just a pedal bike, bike for as long as 200m run would take you)

Part 3 (If time)
tabata hollow rocks

if not sure what those are here's a link


Monday, 11 February 2013

February 11

Warm up:
Light jog, bears, butt kickers and high knees

Part 1: 3 rdns
Push up 5
Sit ups 10
Back ext 10
Squats 10

Part 2:
Bench press

Part 3:
3 sets max effort pull ups

Part 4
Death by 10 meters
(Set up 2 cones 10 meters apart on first minute run from one cone to the other
On the second minute run it twice on the third minute run between cones 3 times continue till you can't do the laps in the time frame.)

Thursday, 7 February 2013

February 8 WOD

Warm up:
Light jog, with bears, butt kickers, high knees and bunny hops.

Part 1:
3 rounds
10 pull ups
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 back ext

If time do couch stretch 2 minutes each side

Part 2:
50 squats, 50 walking lunges, 400 m run
40 squats, 40 walking lunges, 400 m run
30 squats, 30 walking lunges, 400 m run

Stretch your legs after!!!

Saturday, 2 February 2013

February 3 WOD

Warm up:
Light jog, Bears, butt kickers, high knees and crab walk

Part 1 
3 rounds
Pull ups 5
Sit ups 10
Push ups 5
Squats 5
Back ext 10

Part 2
15 minutes of
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats

Go to part 3 with no rest, grab an SCBA and get it on as fast as possible
Part 3
Kettle bell swings till you've used 500 psi.
Once you've used 500 psi go into rescue breathing for another 500 psi and see how long you can make it last.