Sunday, 27 May 2012

Workout of the Day, May 28, 2012

Ensure a good sweaty warm up. Follow up with joint mobility head to toe. Consider bear crawl, butt kickers and high knees as part of your warm up.

Part 1
3 Rounds
6-10 pull ups
5 push ups
10 squats
10 back ext

Part 2
This is a partner workout.
50 Burpees
50 tire flips
50 wall balls
100 jump ropes
100 sit ups

For all but the tire flips only one person will work at a time. The numbers posted are a total per team. Figure out how you want to break the reps down, for example do 10 sets of 5 for the 50 rep movements. Each person must do half the reps.

 There are a couple different options which can be employed for the tire flips. One guy can stand on each side and they can flip it back and forth. The other option is that both guys stand on the same side and flip the tire over together. Remember to lean into the tire and use your legs.

All the same.
Only difference is your reps are
15 for the 50s

Stretch after. Actually take the time to do this. Water is your friend.

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