Friday, 11 May 2012

Workout of the Day, May 12 2012


Warm up with a light run, row, bike, skip or step. Follow up with some joint mobility and light and fast stretching.

Set up 2 cone 25 paces (meters) apart.

This is a partner workout. All the reps have to be complete and is a total for both people. You can break the reps down however you want, but do not move on to the next movement until you complete all of the previous movement. For example, do all the squats before moving onto the push ups. Only one of the partners may be working at once. Each partner should do half the total of reps.

In between each movement piggyback your partner. Do not run, be wise and take care of each other. Partners carry an equal distance.

100 Squats
Partner carry, 2 there and backs
80 push ups
Partner carry, 2 there and backs
60 sit ups
Partner carry, 2 there and backs
40 Shoulder presses (use 15-35# dumbbells or a total of 75# on a barbell)
Partner carry, 2 there and backs
20 Dead lifts  (95-135#)

An alternative for this if you are doing it alone is to half the number of reps and rest as needed. The partner carry can be substituted with walking that distance holding a dumbbell in each hand (45-55#) and only do one there and back.

If there is time after, do core work. Pick any you like.

8 rounds
40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest

Post, stretch shoulders, glutes, and lower back.

40 Squats
Farmers carry, 1 there and backs with 35# dumbells
35 push ups
Farmers carry, 1 there and backs with 35# dumbells
30 sit ups
Farmers carry, 1 there and backs with 35# dumbells
20 Shoulder presses (use 15-35# dumbbells or a total of 75# on a barbell)
Farmers carry, 1 there and backs with 35# dumbells

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