Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Workout of the Day December 31, 2014

Warm up good. Butts, high knees, bears, crabs.

Part 1

3 Rounds

10 Pull ups
10 push ups
10 situps
10 squats
10 back ext

Part 2

Front Squat

Keep this lighter and move the weight up as you get comfortable With the front squat. Remember to keep your elbows pointed to the roof as you go down. Watch the video below.

Part 3

5 Rounds
Row 500M
 Rest as needed between.

Sub running 0.25 mi or .75 mi bike. Rest as needed. Remember that many people can share 1 rower as you will be resting.

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Workout of the Day December 28, 2014

Warm ups real good. Do head to toe and dynamic work.

Bike, row, run 5 min, do good head to toe.

Part 1
3 Rounds
 5 push ups
7 squats
10 Back ext


1 Run
2 Goblet Squat
3 Kettlebell Push Press
4 Walking Lunge Steps holding a Kettlebell
5 Kettlebell Swings
6 Pullups
7 Knee to Elbow or hanging knee raises (sub sit ups prn)
8 Burpees
9 Step ups
10 Push ups
11 Sit ups
12 Jumping Squats

This workout is done just like the song….Round 1 = 1 Run, Round 2 = 2 Gob Squats and 1 Run, Round 3 = 3 Kettlebell Push press, 2 goblet squats, and 1 run  ….etc. Go until all 12 rounds are complete.

For the Run: 0.12 mi on the treadill or 1 time around 87 and 89 or 2 times around 88. Bike or row at a decent effort or 60 seconds as a sub for running.

This is a long workout! Be smart.

Workout of the Day December 23, 2014

Warm up good. Butts, high knees, bears, crabs.

Part 1

3 Rounds

10 push ups
10 situps
10 squats
10 back ext

Part 2

50 Kettle Bell Swings
40 Step ups
30 Wall Balls
20 Pull ups
10 Walkling Lunge steps
5 Man Makers
10 Walkling Lunge steps
20 Pull ups
30 Wall Balls
40  Step ups
50 Kettlebell Swings

Friday, 19 December 2014

Workout of the Day December 20, 2014

Warm up good. Butts, high knees, bears, crabs.

Part 1

3 Rounds

10 Pull ups
10 push ups
10 squats
10 back ext

Part 2

Pick a cardio tool (rower, bike, treadmill)

2 min warm up pace
26 min 30 seconds hard 30 seconds light
2 min cool down

Here, in my opinion is the triage of easier to harder movements. Bike, run then rower. You should push the pace during the 30 seconds of hard then go easier for the 30 seconds of light. If you are on the bike, turn the resistance up a bit for the 30 seconds of hard, then lower the resistance for the 30 seconds of light. Also slow the cadence for the light portions. On the rower, push the pace during the hard, you may want to turn the resistance down on the rower or slow the rate of your pulls or rest with no rowing. The same could be said for the treadmill. The bike is a good challenge.

Part 3

3 sets
30 seconds prone plank, then 30 seconds on each side for a side plank.

Rest as needed between sets. You won't put any extra anatomy on the floor when moving between prone and the side planks.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Workout of the day December 15, 2014

Warm up good. Butts, high knees, bears, crabs.

Part 1

10 push ups
10 situps
10 squats
10 back ext

Part 2

Push Press

Remember to warm the movement up well and do sets, building up in weight, till you get into your working sets. Ust the legs to help drive the weight up.

Part 3

Bench Press


Moderate load, the bar shouldn't be moving up slow in any set

Part 4

Death by pull ups
do 1 pull up the 1st min, 2 the 2nd, 3 the 3rd... Continue on as many minutes as you are able. The pullups can be broken into as many sets as needed to achieve the number for that minute.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Workout of the Day December 12, 2014

Warm up good. Butts, high knees, bears, crabs.

Part 1

 2 Rounds

10 squats
10 back ext

Part 2

10 Pull ups
20 dips
30 Burpees
40 Kettlebell Swings
50 Step ups holding a kettlebell
60 push ups
70 Walking Lunge Steps
80 Sit ups
90 Second Plank Hold (accumulate over as many sets as needed)
100 Jump Ropes

To scale this back, cut the reps to half.

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Workout of the Day December 7, 2014

Warm up good. Butts, high knees, bears, crabs.

Part 1

3 Rounds

10 Pull ups
10 push ups
10 situps
10 squats
10 back ext

 Part 2

Shoulder Press
3 @ 70%
3@ 80%
3+ @ 90 %

Part 3

3 Rounds
1 min per station
Wall Balls
Kettlebell Swings
Step ups
Push Press (45-75# barbell)

Do 1 min at each station before resting for the 1 min. Make transitions quick between movements, the clock doesn't stop.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Workout of the Day December 4, 2014

Warm up good. Butts, high knees, bears, crabs.

Part 1

3 Rounds

10 Pull ups
10 push ups
10 squats
10 back ext

Part 2

Back Squat
3 @ 70%
3@ 80%
3+ @ 90 %

Part 3

12 Kettlebell Swings
20 sit ups
2 Calorie row, bike or run
12 Kettlebell Swings
20 sit ups
4  Calorie row, bike or run
12 Kettlebell Swings
20 sit ups
6  Calorie row, bike or run

Keep adding 2 calories till you get to 20 doing the 12 kettlebells and 20 sit ups in between.

This is a longer workout out, like 20-30 min. Move through all the work with purpose.