Saturday, 24 March 2012

Workout of the Day March 25, 2012

Warm up as normal.

Part 1 

3 Rounds
10 Pull ups ( I know, it's coming 89 )
5 Push ups
10  sit ups
10 squats
10 Back ext

Part 2

3 Rounds
1 Minute of Push Press (lighter than 95#)
1 Minute of skipping or box jumps or step ups
1 Minute of Burpees
Run 0.5 mi or bike 1.5mi or row 800M
Rest 3 Min

Use a barbell or dumbells for the push press. 89, take the barbell from the ground.


3 Rounds
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 squats

Part 2
6:00 of sprint .20mi in each minute (make the .20 and rest the rest of the time left in each min)
rest 3 minutes
4:00 of sprint .20mi in each minute (make the .20 and rest the rest of the time left in each min)
Rest 2 min
2:00 of sprint .20mi in each minute (make the .20 and rest the rest of the time left in each min)

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