Monday, 19 November 2012

Workout of the Day November 20, 2012

Warm up good. Follow up with head to toe joint mobility, butt kicks, high whatcamacallits and bear thingys. Do the couch job too.

Part 1

3 Rounds
10 pullups
15 push ups
15 sit ups
7 squats
10 back extensions

Part 2

Push Press

Use a barbell. Stay upright in the chest. When dipping for the push part, keep weight on you heels and push your knees out. Keep a good pace through this, ensure enough time for part 3.

Part 3

12 Minutes
2 Stair runs with sandbag
35 Situps
20 Jump Squats

Stairs, run to the top of the stairs at the hall you are at, at 87, go into the hose tower. Use the hand rail, and only one stair at a time on the way down. Do this twice per round. A jump squat is like a squat, just jump at the top. Make the sandbag heavy.

Stretch and water are good things. Thank Wes for today's workout.

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