Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Workout of the Day November 5, 2020

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.

Do either days workout if you are just doing the one days workout. Don't feel like you have to do the squat day, if your legs are sore for example. The first day will be a lower day and the second an upper.

Part 1

3 Rounds

5-10 Pull ups
5-10 Push ups
5-10 squats
5-10 back ext
Part 2
Back Squat
10 min (5 sets)
Every 2 min on the min
5 back squats
Load around 70-75%
Part 3
3 sets
25' death march
Rest 60 sec
Part 4
Cals bike or row
Goblet or double dumbell front squats
Rest 3 min
Cal bike or row
16 Walking lunges holding a kettlebell in front between sets of bike or row
Part 5
4 sets
15 standing banded abs 
Rest 60 sec
TB/ The Next Day Workout
Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.
Do either days workout if you are just doing the one days workout. Don't feel like you have to do the squat day, if your legs are sore for example. The first day will be a lower day and the second an upper.

Part 1

3 Rounds

5-10 Push ups
5-10 squats
5-10 back ext
Part 2
12 min
Every min on the min
1st min: 4 Push press (use between 75-80%)
2nd min: 7-15 pull ups
3rd min: Rest

Part 3

15 min

50 jump ropes
15 hanging knee raises or v ups
50-100' double overhead kettlebell carry

Part 4

4 sets
Static Back Extension Hold on GHD and doing 10 dumbell rows
Rest 60 sec

Part 5

Single arm banded press (use a light band)
100 reps per arm

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