Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Workout of the Day October 28, 2020

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.

Do either days workout if you are just doing the one days workout. Don't feel like you have to do the squat day, if your legs are sore for example. The first day will be a lower day and the second an upper.

Part 1

3 Rounds

5-10 Pull ups
5-10 Push ups
5-10 squats
5-10 back ext
Part 2
9 Min
Every Min on the min
Banded Box Squats
7 sets at 55%+ approx 30% bad tension
Then 2 sets at 90% effort 
Part 3
Romanian Deadlift (RDL)
4 sets of 8 reps
Rest 60 sec
Part 4
100 Seated Banded Hamstring Curls
Part 5
800M row or 1600M bike
60 single arm kettlebell push press, switch arms every 5 reps
60' per arm, single arm overhead kettlebell carry
Part 6
Back Extensions on the GHD
3 sets of 10-15 reps
Rest 60 sec
TB/ The Next Day Workout

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.

Do either days workout if you are just doing the one days workout. Don't feel like you have to do the squat day, if your legs are sore for example. The first day will be a lower day and the second an upper.

Part 1

3 Rounds

5-10 Push ups
5-10 squats
5-10 back ext
Part 2
10 min
every min on the min
Bench press off pins, 2" above chest
40% bar weight + approx 30% band tension
1st 5 min- 5 reps with a medium grip
2nd 5 min- 5 reps w a wider grip

Part 3

Incline Barbell press
3 sets of 8 reps
Rest 60 sec

Part 4

3 sets
max pull ups w a 2 sec hang at the bottom
Rest 60 sec

Be active in the shoulders while hanging in the bottom.

Part 5

Bent over barbell rows
3 sets of 8 reps
Rest 60 sec

Part 6
Cross body alternating hammer curls
4 sets of 8 reps
Rest 60 sec
Part 7
100 Banded Face pulls 
Stir the pot if you want

Saturday, 24 October 2020

Workout of the Day October 25, 2020

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.

Do either days workout if you are just doing the one days workout. Don't feel like you have to do the squat day, if your legs are sore for example. The first day will be a lower day and the second an upper.

Part 1

3 Rounds

5-10 Push ups
5-10 squats
5-10 back ext
Part 2
Reverse Band Box Squat
Build to a tough single
Part 3
One Leg forward (Lunge Position) Good Morning
4 sets of 8 reps per leg
 Rest 60 sec

If you want you can set up with bands attached to the rig and bar, pulling forwards.
Part 4 

Reverse Hypers on a swiss Ball or Back Extensions on the GHD
3 sets of 15-20 reps
Rest 60 sec

Part 5

In 14 min

10 Rounds

10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
5 Pull ups
Cals on machine

If there's any time left, go on the bike or rower for the remaining time for as many cals as possible. The workout is to be stopped at 14 min regardless of where you are.

Part 6

4 sets

10-20 per direction
Stir the Pot
Rest 60 sec
TB/ The Next Day Workout

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.

Do either days workout if you are just doing the one days workout. Don't feel like you have to do the squat day, if your legs are sore for example. The first day will be a lower day and the second an upper.

Part 1

3 Rounds

5-10 Pull ups
5-10 Push ups
5-10 squats
5-10 back ext
Part 2
Bench Press Starting off pins with the bar 2" above chest
Build to a tough single
Use the safety bars as the tool to keep th bar in the start position. All reps are to start at the bottom, not the top.
Part 3
Floor Press Against a Band
Build to a tough set of 8 reps
Part 4
Skull Crushers laying on floor using ez curl bar
3 sets of 10 reps
Rest 60 sec
Part 5
Satnding Banded Side bends (oblique)
4 sets of 20 reps per side
Rest 60 sec
Part 6
4 sets
30 Banded Push Downs
20 seated bent over DB Flys
30 Banded Face Pulls
Rest 60 sec

Monday, 19 October 2020

Workout of the Day October 20, 2020


Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.

Do either days workout if you are just doing the one days workout. Don't feel like you have to do the squat day, if your legs are sore for example. The first day will be a lower day and the second an upper.

Part 1

3 Rounds

5-10 Push ups
5-10 squats
5-10 back ext
Part 2
9 Min
Every Min on the min
Banded Box Squats
7 sets at 50%+ approx 30%^ bad tension
Then 2 sets at 90% effort
Part 3
7 min
Every min on the min
3 deadlifts
40% bar weight + 30% band tension
Part 4
Banded Kettlebell Swings
3 sets of 20 reps
Rest 60 sec
Part 5
100 Swiss ball Hamstring Curls
Part 6
3 or 4 rounds
10 Pull ups
12 Burpees
14 Alternating step ups
16 hanging knee raises
TB/ The Next Day Workout

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.

Do either days workout if you are just doing the one days workout. Don't feel like you have to do the squat day, if your legs are sore for example. The first day will be a lower day and the second an upper.

Part 1

3 Rounds

5-10 Pull ups
5-10 Push ups
5-10 squats
5-10 back ext
Part 2
10 min
Every min on the min
1st 5 min- 5 bench press medium grip
2nd 5 min- 5 bench press wide grip
Load at 70%
Part 3
Incline barbell press against bands
4 sets of 8 Reps
Rest 60 sec
Part 4
1 arm dumbbell row
4 sets of 8 reps per arm
Rest 60 sec
Part 5
Bent Over barbell row
4 sets of 8 reps
Rest 60 sec 

Part 6

Banded sit ups
4 sets of 10 reps
Hold band on one side, alternate sides each set

Friday, 16 October 2020

Workout of the Day October 17, 2020

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.

Do either days workout if you are just doing the one days workout. Don't feel like you have to do the squat day, if your legs are sore for example. The first day will be a lower day and the second an upper.

Part 1

3 Rounds

5-10 Pull ups
5-10 Push ups
5-10 squats
5-10 back ext
Part 2
Wide Stance Box Squat against Bands
Build to a tough single
Do this in around 8 sets
No misses
Part 3
Good Mornings
4 sets of 8 reps
Rest 60 sec
Part 4
Hamstring Curl on swiss ball
3-4 sets of max reps
Rest 60 sec
Part 5
100 Jump ropes
20 Burpees
750M row or 1500M bike
75' Walking lunge holding 1 dumbbell in front
750M row or 1500M bike
20 Burpees
100 Jump ropes 

Part 6

3 sets
8 Plate overhead sit ups
Rest 60 sec
Anchor your feet

TB/ The Next Day Workout

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.

Do either days workout if you are just doing the one days workout. Don't feel like you have to do the squat day, if your legs are sore for example. The first day will be a lower day and the second an upper.

Part 1

3 Rounds

5-10 Pull ups
5-10 Push ups
5-10 squats
5-10 back ext
Part 2
Z Press
Build to a tough single
No misses
Part 3
Dumbell floor press w a neutral grip
3 sets of 8 reps
Rest 60 sec
Part 4
Incline Tate Press
3 sets of 12 reps
Rest 60 sec

Part 5

Banded side oblique push downs
70-100 per side

Part 6

4 sets
20 rear delt raises one arm at a time
Laying on your side and done non stop

Thursday, 8 October 2020

Workout of the Day October 9, 2020

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.

Do either days workout if you are just doing the one days workout. Don't feel like you have to do the squat day, if your legs are sore for example. The first day will be a lower day and the second an upper.

Part 1

3 Rounds

5-10 Pull ups
5-10 Push ups
5-10 squats
5-10 back ext
Part 2
3 Rounds
Run 0.5 mi or bike 2 km
50 Step ups holding onto 1 dumbbell
50 sit ups

Part 3

Banded Tall Kneeling Ms
3 sets of 10 reps
Rest 60 sec between

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Workout of the Day October 4, 2020

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.

Do either days workout if you are just doing the one days workout. Don't feel like you have to do the squat day, if your legs are sore for example. The first day will be a lower day and the second an upper.

Part 1

3 Rounds

5-10 Pull ups
5-10 Push ups
5-10 squats
5-10 back ext
Part 2
12 Min
Every min on the min
Perform 3 banded box squats
Load should be 50-55% bar weight plus the bands on top of that
Part 3
8 sets
Every :30 sec
1 banded deadlift
Load should be 50-55% bar weight plus the bands on top of that
Part 4
Bulgarian Split Squats
4 sets
8 reps per side
Rest 60 sec
Hold onto dumbbells if you are able
Part 5
4 sets
Banded March
1 min on 1 min off
Bear hug a med ball or sandbag

Part 6

Kettlebell Swings
Bike or Row cals
If you want you can also half the reps

Part 7

Stir the pot
Pick a rep schems

TB/ The Next Day Workout

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.

Do either days workout if you are just doing the one days workout. Don't feel like you have to do the squat day, if your legs are sore for example. The first day will be a lower day and the second an upper.

Part 1

3 Rounds

5-10 Pull ups
5-10 Push ups
5-10 squats
5-10 back ext

Part 2
9 min
Every min on the min
3 Banded Bench Press
Load 55% + bands
1st 3 sets narrow grip
2nd 3 sets medium grip
3rd 3 sets wide grip

Part 3
Bent over barbell row band pulling forwards
3 sets of 8 reps
Rest 60 sec
Part 4
Incline Bench
3 sets of 15 reps
Rest 60 sec
Part 5
10 min
10 Push press
15 Trap shrugs
20 sit ups

Part 6

4 sets
30 banded pull aparts
30 banded tricep push downs
Rest 60 sec