Thursday, 26 April 2018

Workout of the Day April 27, 2018

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.

There is lots to do. Move with purpose.

Part 1

3 Rounds

10 Pull ups
10 Push ups
10 squats
10 back ext

Part 2

Box Pistols or Single leg step ups

This is practice of a single sided drill. Choose a total number of reps appropriate to you. Choose one or the other, you don't need to use a box for the pistol drill. You can stack up some plates to stand on as well. You can also use a rack/ rig to help support yourself. If you do the step ups, do sets of 5 per side, focus on standing up on the leg which is elevated. For the step ups you can also use plates to step up onto.

Part 3

8 min
12 Goblet or front squats
12 burpees

**Rest 5 min**

6 min
8 Thrusters (barbell or Dumbell)
8 Burpees over the bar

For the first 8 min, do the 8 reps of each movement, for as many rounds as possible, for the 8 min. Rest 5 min, then do 6 min of the reps listed for the 2 movements, for as many rounds as possible. You can scale the bar facing burpees by stepping over or just doing a regular burpee. You can also hop over dumbells if you are using dumbells.

Part 4

If time permits

5 sets
1 min battle ropes
2 min rest

Part 5

If time permits
40 sec russian twist
20 sec rest
40 sec hollow or plank hold
20 sec rest

Choose a number of sets.

TB/ The Next Day Workout

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.

There is lots to do. Move with purpose.

Part 1

3 Rounds

10 Pull ups
10 Push ups
10 squats
10 back ext

Part 2

0.62 mi run or 1 km row
4 min bike
1. 25mi run or 2 km row
8 min bike
0.62 mi run or 1km row
4 min bike

Part 3

4 sets
100' farmers carry pinching a plate in each hand
45 sec plank

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