Friday, 29 August 2014

Workout of the Day August 30, 2014


I have a feeling no one did this workout from a couple shifts ago. So I'm going to re post it because it looks fun. If you did it give me a shout and I can get you something else.

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe. Make sure the shoulders are ready.

Part 1

3 Rounds

5 push ups
10 situps
8 squats
10 back ext

Part 2

2 Rounds
10 Manmakers
15 pull ups
15 dips
20 Kettlebell swings
20 Goblet squats

For the run: 4 times around 87 and 89, 6 times around 88, or 0.5 mi on the treadmill.

 Alt Wod

Part 1

3 Rounds

 5 push ups
10 situps
7 squats
10 back ext

Part 2

2 Rounds

Run or Bike for 3 min
10 Pullups
10 Dips
15 Push ups
15 Kettle Bell Swings
15 Goblet squats

Scale back the goblet squats to air squats as needed. If it seems to be too much, cut out the Kettlebell swings.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Workout of the Day August 25, 2014

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe. Make sure the shoulders are ready.

Part 1

3 Rounds

10 Pull ups
10 push ups
10 situps
10 squats
10 back ext

*** Couch stretch ***

Part 2

Back Squat

Part 2

6 Rounds
Sled Drag 25M there and back
8 Burpees as fast as possible

Rest 1:1 In between  rounds, so if it takes you 90 sec to complete, rest 90 sec.

Stretch, actually stretch.

Alt wod

same as above, scale the weight back for the drag as needed.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Workout of the Day August 22, 2014

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe. Make sure the shoulders are ready.

Part 1

3 Rounds

5 push ups
10 situps
8 squats
10 back ext

Part 2

2 Rounds
10 Manmakers
15 pull ups
15 dips
20 Kettlebell swings
20 Goblet squats

For the run: 4 times around 87 and 89, 6 times around 88, or 0.5 mi on the treadmill.

Alt Wod

Part 1

3 Rounds

 5 push ups
10 situps
7 squats
10 back ext

Part 2

2 Rounds

Run or Bike for 3 min
10 Pullups
10 Dips
15 Push ups
15 Kettle Bell Swings
15 Goblet squats

Scale back the goblet squats to air squats as needed. If it seems to be too much, cut out the Kettlebell swings.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Workout of the Day August 14, 2014

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe. Make sure the shoulders are ready.

Part 1

3 Rounds

10 Pull ups
10 push ups
10 situps
10 squats
10 back ext

*** Couch Stretch ***

Part 2

Back Squat

 Part 3

Light run, row or bike for 15 min

Follow up with stretching

This is a great workout to do before our spartan racers hit the course on Saturday. Good hormones will be released with the heavy back squats Good luck to the runners, and have fun.

Alt Wod
As above

Friday, 8 August 2014

Workout of the Day August 9, 2014

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe. Make sure the shoulders are ready.

Part 1

3 Rounds

10 push ups
10 situps
10 squats
10 back ext

Part 2

3 Rounds
21 kettlebell swings
12 Pull ups

Runs are 2 times around 87 and89 and 3 times around 88. Or 0.25 on the treadmill

Part 3

3 Sets
1 min plank

Alt Wod

Part 1

3 Rounds

10 Pull ups
10 push ups
10 situps
10 squats
10 back ext

Part 2
Bike 2 min
12 Kettlebell swings
15 Step ups

Part 3

3 sets
1 min plank

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Workout of the Day August 6, 2014

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe. Make sure the shoulders are ready.

Part 1

3 Rounds

10 push ups
10 squats
10 back ext

Part 2
5 Rounds
Alternating every minute
10 Pullups
10 Push Press
20 Calorie Row

So, for this, start the first minute and complete 10 pull up. Once you complete the 10 pull ups rest the rest of the minute, so if it takes 20 seconds you are resting 40. The next minute do the 10 push press, try a barbell with this if you could. The next minute do a 20 calorie row. There is no rest between the rounds, do the work work quickly to get a longer rest period.

Part 3

Tabata core
8 Rounds
20 on 10 off

I want you guys to try a hollow rock hold for this, if that's not gonna work, do sit ups. You can make this easier by bending the knees and bringing your hands down to your sides. Try to have no gap between the floor and the lower back

Alt wod

Part 1

3 Rounds

10 Pull ups
10 situps
5 squats
10 back ext

Part 2
5 Rounds
Alternating Movements each min
10 Push ups
10 Squat
30 Second sprint on the bike

Complete the work in each min. Rest till the next min once the work is done.

Stretch and water. Yaaaaaaa