Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Workout of the Day August 30, 2011

Warm up as normal, run, row etc for 5 min. Follow up with joint mobility and light and fast stretching.
This has a few parts, have fun.

Part 1
Tabata Run 8 rounds
20 on 10 off.
Set the treadmill to 12 on the incline and go full out. These are meant to be full out efforts. They can also be done on a bike set to a minimum of 16, and 10 on the rower.

Part 2
15 Minutes
Sand Bag carry up stairs (see below)
20 Wall Balls to 10' target
15 Box Jumps

Make the sandbags heavy. There is 2 at each hall. 1 up and down the stairs at 58, 2 times at 57.

Part 3
Tabata Core 8 Rounds
30 on 20 off

Rest at least 5 minutes between each part.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Workout of the Day August 25, 2011

Warm up with a light 5 min run, row bike etc. Follow up with joint mobility and light and fast stretching.

Part 1
Shoulder press
Use a bar, warm up with light weight, then increase it to a working weight. This should be a challenge. Work with a few partners and rotate through. Change weights as need for each lifter.

Part 2
Bench Press
12 rounds
3 reps
Warm up with lighter weights, get to a working weight. Increase the weight if needed, you don't have to stick to 1 weight. Work with partners, and switch into it. Change weights as need for each lifter.

Part 3
3 Rounds
12 dips
These can be done on a bench or on the dip station. Ensure adequate rest between rounds.

Part 4
10 Minutes
10 Pull ups
20 Push ups
30 Squats

If time permits:
Tabata core: 8 rounds of 30 on 20 off
Pick one exercise and stick to it for all 8 rounds.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Workout of the Day August 22, 2011

Warm up and joint mobility.
The runs are 2 laps around 57 or 3 laps around 58.

20 Deadlifts (95-155#)
20 Kettlebell swings
2 There and Back sled drags (3 plates, cones at 20 paces)
20 Burpees
20 pull ups
20 Box jumps
20 Wall Balls

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Workout of the Day August 17, 2011

Interesting article about fireground hydration, found by Brad. Definitely relevant for myself after last shifts fire. I drank about 4-5 liters of water after and never really had to use the washroom. Find the article here:

Equipment Needed:
-2x Class A Foam Pails
-1x Heavy Duffle Bag
-1x Skipping Rope
-2x Feet + 1x Heartbeat....
 Warm up as normal, 5 min light run bike row etc. Follow up with joint mobility and light and fast stretching. Most of today's workout comes courtesy of Mike on A shift, looked too fun to pass up. However I ramped it up a little. One would say I D shifted it.

Part 1
Tabata Run
20 seconds on 10 seconds off
Set the treadmill to 12 on the incline and go full out. Bike can be used set to at least 16 and the rower set to 10.
Part 2
Planks; As Many Secs As Possible x 2; 60s rest between attempts.
Part 3
5 Rounds
60s- Duffle Bag Clean- to alternating shoulders
60s- Foam Pail Farmer Walk- end to end in bay (one pail in each hand)
60s- Skip Singles- fast skipping... as fast as you can manage
120s- Rest/cheer on your buddy
Hop the bag to one shoulder, drop to the floor and repeat but up to the opposite shoulder- how many times can you do this in the 60s? Try to maintain this # for all 5 rounds. Foam pail should be full... and skipping is a skill, if you aren't good at it then treat it as you are practicing skipping, if you are good at it, let it rip and see how many singles you can do- fancy footwork is OK.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Workout of the Day August 14, 2011

Warm up as normal, run, row etc for 5 min. Follow up with joint mobility and light and fast stretching.
This has a few parts, have fun.

Part 1
Tabata Run 8 rounds
20 on 10 off.
Set the treadmill to 12 on the incline and go full out. These are meant to be full out efforts. They can also be done on a bike set to a minimum of 16, and 10 on the rower.

Part 2
2 Rounds
3 minutes on and rest while partner goes.
Sled Pull and Drag
Attach a rope to the sled, put 2 plates on it and pull the sled to you, drag the sled back out. Repeat this for 3 minutes, have your partner go and rest until they finish their 3 minutes. For the pull you can sit or stand, whatever you want. Ensure rope does not get pulled under sled. Had to be said.

Part 3
Weighted pull ups
Put a dumbell between your knees or ankles and pull up. If you don't have pulls, this is the time to practice. Go as heavy as you can.

Part 4
Tabata core
30 on 10 off

If time looks like it will be tight, cut out part 3. Drink Water!

Monday, 8 August 2011

Workout of the Day, August 9, 2011

Warm ups as normal. 5 min bike run etc. Follow up with joint mobility and light and fast stretching. Really focus on warming up your shoulders. For this workout, a bench can be shared and weight changed between guys, keep the pace moving.

Bench Press
Warm up with light weight and work to a challenging 5 rep set. Don't count your warm up sets as one of the 5. Keep the reps in warm up to 5-7.

Shoulder press
Do 35-50% (just a guide, listen to your body) or so of your heaviest Bench. So if it was 100 pounds, use 20 25 pound dumbells for your shoulder press. Feel free to use a barbell as well if you are comfortable with it.

10 Minutes
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 sit ups

If you feel zesty, tabata core. 20 on 10 off.
Post stretch shoulders a lot.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Workout of the Day August 6, 2011

Warm up as normal, 5 min light run, row bike or skip. Keep it light. Follow up with joint mobility and light and fast stretching.
Todays workout is courtesy of Maaaaat Daaaaamon. Be sure to ask him why when you see him.

Run 4 times around 57 or 6 times around 58
30 Burpees
30 Ground to shoulder (see below)
30 Squats
21 Burpees
21 Ground to shoulder
15 Burpees
15 Ground to shoulder
15 Squats
Run 4 times around 57 or 6 times around 58

For the Ground to shoulder, use 2 dumbells from 10-40 lbs. Have one in each hand, bring them from the ground up to shoulder height. Keep the weight close to your body. Touch the weight to the floor at the bottom of each rep. Burpees can be subbed with pushups and the weight for the lift can be reduced. Keep the distances and the number of reps the same.
If you have any time and/ or gas in the tank:
Tabata abs, 30 seconds on 10 seconds off.

Post, stretch legs, hams, butt, shoulder