Sunday, 31 July 2011

Workout of the Day, August 1, 2011

 Or This

It's  a state of mind.

Warm up as normal, 5 min bike, run, row, skip or step. Follow up with joint mobility and light and fast stretching.
You will need a partner for this, or rest the 3 minutes that your partner would be working working.

3 Minutes Deadlift 95-135#
3 Minutes of push ups
3 Minutes of air squats
3 Minutes of jump rope
3 Minutes of sled drag

For this workout, when partner A is doing the work Partner B is resting. So for the deadlift partner A goes for 3 minutes, when he is done partner B goes for 3 minuted of deadlift. So each partner does each movement. For the sled drag, put 2 cones 20 paces apart and stack 3 plates onto it. Had to include the sled because of the love you guys show for it. Thanks Addy.

If there is gas in the tank after this, Tabata core:
30 on 10 off.

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