Friday, 30 September 2016

Workout of the Day October 1, 2016

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.

Part 1

3 Rounds

7 push ups
10 squats
10 back ext

Part 2

7 min
7 push press
7 pull ups
7 goblet squats

**Rest 3 min**

7 min
7 heavier kettlebell swings (14 if using a lighter one)
7 burpees

**Rest 3 min**

7 min
36 jump ropes
12 wall balls
6 hanging knee raises or v ups

**Rest 3 min**

7 min
14 row for calories or bike for 40 sec or run for 40 sec
14 burpees

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Workout of the Day September 28, 2016

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.

Part 1

3 Rounds

10 Pull ups
10 push ups
10 squats
10 back ext

Part 2

20 rounds
Row or bike or run
45 sec hard
45 light or recovery pace


3 sets
10 hanging knee raises
20 supermans
60 sec plank

This is for quality and not time.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Workout of the Day September 23, 2016

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe.

Part 1

3 Rounds
10 Pull ups
5 squats
10 back ext
10 Step ups per leg
Part 2
1 Pause Squat + 2 squats
Build to a challenging set of the above. For the pause squats, pause for a 3 count in the bottom of the squat, follow the pause up with 2 more non pause back squats. Keep tension in the torso while in the squat.

Part 3


Push ups
Goblet Squat

Do 21 of each movement, then 15 of each, then 9 of each.

Part 4

Core drills of your choosing.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Workout of the Day September 20, 2016

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe. Make sure the shoulders are ready.

Part 1

3 Rounds

10 push ups
10 squats
10 back ext
10 Step ups per leg
Part 2
3 Rounds
5 Hanging Knee raises
5 Ring rows
5 Pull ups
Rest a minimum of 1 min between rounds. This part is not a race, make the res happen. Do jumping pull ups with a slow negative if you don't have pull ups.
Part 3
21 minutes
Alternating every min on the min
10 Burpees
15 Kettlebell swings
30-40 Jump ropes
For this format, do 10 burpees in the first minute, rest till the second min starts then do 15 kettlebell swings, rest till the 3rd min starts then do the 30-40 jump ropes. Continue in this fashion till the 21 min (7 rounds) are up.  

Part 4

Walking Lunges
Minimum of 100...
Pick your poison.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Workout of the Day September 15, 2016

Warm up goood. run, bike or row for 5 min. Follow up with butts, knees, inch worms and bears followed by head to toe. Make sure the shoulders are ready.

Part 1

3 Rounds

10 push ups
10 squats
10 back ext
10 Step ups per leg
*** Couch Stretch ***
Part 2
Back Squat
Increase the weight as needed per set
Part 3
With a 10 min time cap, see how far you can go:
15 Ring rows or pull ups
10 Thrusters (lighter weight)
15 Ring rows or pull ups
10 Thrusters (a little heavier)
15 Ring rows or pull ups
10 Thrusters (a little heavier)
15 Ring rows or pull ups
10 Thrusters (a little heavier)
15 Ring rows or pull ups
10 Thrusters (a little heavier)
Increase the thruster weight as you make you way along the workout. Use dumbells or barbells.