Friday, 30 December 2011

Workout of the Day December 31, 2011

Warm up as normal. Ensure your shoulders are ready. Do 3 rounds 4 Pushups, 10 sit ups, 10 squats, 10 back extension.

"Farewell to 2011"

Run 0.25 mi
60 push ups
33 kettlebell swings
Run 0.25 mi
40 Push press with a 45# bar
22 Deadlifts with 135#
Run 0.25 mi
20 Dips
11 pull ups

Sub a 500M row or a 0.75mi bike for the run or skip for 2 minutes.

If there's time core it up, movements and formats up to you.

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Workout of the Day December 28, 2011

Warm up as normal. Include a good joint mobility deal. Follow up with 2 rounds of 10 push ups, sit ups and squats.


1 Sled Drag There and Back
2 dips
3 chest to deck burpees
4 pull-ups (or jumping pull ups)
5 Sit ups
6 push-ups
7 squats
8 Walking lunges (each step = 1)
9 box jumps
10 wall balls
11 kettlebell swings
12 Deadlifts

This workout is done just like the song….Round 1 = 1 Sled Drag, Round 2 = 2 Dips and 1 sled drag, Round 3 = 3 burpees, 2 dips and a sled drag ….etc. Go until all 12 rounds are complete.

Put 3 plates on the sled. Use it outside.  Deadlifts pick a weight. Last we used was 95-135#. Consider stagger starting to allow all to go in the order.

Not sure on the time frame, but if there is is some of the aforementioned, hit up some core work.

Water is good, yeahh.

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Workout of the Day, December 23, 2011

Warm up as normal.

Part 1

Tabata run/ bike/ row
8 Rounds
20 on 10 off

Treadmill set to 12 on incline, bike to at least 16, rower to 10 and step fast. These are sprints.

Part 2

200 Jump ropes
100 step ups
75 sit ups
50 walking lunges
40 jumping pull ups
30 wall balls
20 pushups
10 squats

Stretch and hydrate.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Workout of the Day December 20, 2011

Warm up as normal. Ensure joints are moved through their range of motion in warm up.
This is a 3 part deal.

Part 1

Run, Bike, Row, Step
4 minutes on......... 3 minutes off
2 minutes on......... 30 seconds off
1 minute on .......... 3 minutes off
2 minutes on......... 30 seconds off
4 minutes on.......... Done

These are hard efforts, record your distances to see if the second sets are the same as the first.

Part 2

10 Minutes
10 Burpees
10 Kettlebell Swings

Part 3
Tabata core, pick a work to rest ratio, but choose only one movement and stick to it for all 8 rounds.

Water is good

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Workout of the Day December 15, 2011

Warm up as normal. Ensure shoulders are ready for work.

Do 3 sets of 10 push ups, 10 squats, 10 sit ups once warm.

Part 1

Shoulder press

For this, remember there is no dip of the knees. Press straight up from the shoulders. Work with multiple partners. Go through the rounds fast. The weight for this should be moving fast. No max effort grinds today.

Part 2

Push press

Use a dip of the knees for this lift. Remember when dipping, make it short, tight belly and off the heels. This weight should be lighter again and moving fast. Little rest, switch between partners quickly.

Part 3

One attempt Max effort pull ups

Tabata it up if theres time. Choose the work rest ratio.
Water is goo and stretch your shoulders well.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Workout of the Day December 12, 2011

Warm up as normal. Ensure shoulders are ready. Do 2 sets of 10 push ups and 10 squats before starting.

This ones for the curb killer moving to the west side. He's going to show the street edges there who's the boss.

Part 1

Push Press
Only spend up to 12-15 min on this. Don't max out, ensure the weight is moving fast.

Part 2

10 Push ups with feet elevated (at least as high as on a bench)
15 Deadlifts (95-135#)
25 Box jumps or Step ups
50 Jumping Pull ups
50 Wall Balls
200 Jump ropes
10 Walk There and Backs across the bay floor carrying a rubber plate.

Remember: on the jumping pull ups to not lower yourself slowly. Let yourself fall back down.
You can select any weight of rubber plate (or regular plate, just don't drop it) for the walk.
For the wall balls, choose a weight of medicine ball you can get through the reps with, but go to a 10' target.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Workout of the Day December 7, 2011

Pay attention to how you perform compared to when we did this last. Should feel stronger, faster and hopefully easier.
You know it and love it, it's .......


Warm up..!! And dynamic stretching
Rounds                   1    2   3   4   5 6   7 8 9 10
Burpees                 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,
Deadlifts                10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1         (95lbs total)
Shoulder Press     10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1         (weight 20-45 lbs each arm or a barbell with plates)
Hose pull/drag      1   1   1   1  1  1  1  1  1  1         
Layout a length of 65, for those that missed s 400 that 2 sections.  Pull the lengths in using upper body / then run the hose back out so it’s ready for the next FF

Core Exercises
Cool Down!!!!!!!!!!!
Static Stretching, Make sure to really stretch out the shoulders.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Workout of the Day December 4, 2011

Warm up as normal. Ensure your back and shoulders are ready for the show.
Do a couple rounds of squats, sit ups and lunges to warm up. Maybe 10 reps.

Part 1

20 Minutes

6 Deadlifts
12 Push ups
12 jumping or regular pull ups
48 jump ropes

Remember to lift at lighter weights to warm up the deadlift. Use 95-135#. Use more weight if comfortable with the lift. Do regular pull ups till you reach failure.

Part 2

Tabata core if time permits.

Stretch shoulders, back and hammys.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Workout of the Day November 29, 2011


Warm up as normal. Include 3 rounds 15 air squats and 7 Push ups. Do this after joint mobility.

Part 1

Back Squat

Keep the weight to 70%. The Idea here is to move the weight fast. Ensure weight your stays back on the heels with a tall chest.

Part 2

Run 0.5 mi or bike 1.5 mi
21 burpees
21 deadlifts
Run 0.25 mi or bike 0.75 mi
15 burpees
15 deadlifts
run 0.12 mi or bike 0.36 mi
9 burpees
9 deadlifts

Use 75-135# for deadlifts. Practice it and warm with the lift.

If time permits Tabata core, choose work/rest times and have at 'er. Stretch shoulder, hams, bum